"Origin is a game service with two fundamental features," said David DeMartini, senior VP of Global Online at EA. "It's a download service for the very best content from EA and its partners. It also offers a social function which, over time, will connect a player's profile with friends lists and a cross-platform feed that shows what your friends are playing and where."
The publisher is billing Origin as the place to find the best content from EA, noting that the new online platform will be the only digital storefront to offer limited edition copies of Battlefield 3, FIFA 12, and content for various games from EA Partners, including the upcoming Alice: Madness Returns and Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. Further, digital downloads of anticipated MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic will be available exclusively on Origin.
Starting today, visitors to Origin will be able to set up a profile, download the beta desktop application, build friends lists, browse the library of games, and pre-order upcoming releases. EA is also dangling a digital carrot for potential visitors, offering exclusive content and trailers for a number of its biggest pending releases, including Battlefield 3, Mass Effect 3, Need for Speed The Run, and SWTOR.
"We're committed to offering consumers direct access to great content and community in a way they have never experienced before," said EA CEO John Riccitiello. "Over time, Origin will grow with new functionality and unique new content that consumers can't get anywhere else."
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